Tonight was my first night back to the gym since last Wednesday, and it didn't go exactly how I expected. It's just been one of those (Mon)days.
1) DO NOT RUN WITH A 30 LB. BACKPACK AND CRAPPY SHOES.This morning I had to catch the ALWAYS ON TIME 6:12 bus. Despite a serious lack of sleep, I woke up on time and even sat down for a couple minutes to enjoy some yogurt. I left my apartment at 6:08 with plenty of time to walk the two blocks catch the ALWAYS ON TIME bus; I got there just in time to watch it drive away 3 minutes ahead of

schedule. The only other buses I could take (without being super late) stopped 2 blocks in the opposite direction of my apartment, so I
ran, half-asleep, with my obscenely heavy backpack and my no-support shoes, wheezing in the freezing air. It's really no surprise that I twisted my ankle, is it?
It hadn't bothered me again all day, but once I started on the treadmill I had sharp pains in my ankle. When I got my shoes, I was told that I have to focus on keeping my feet straight when I run because they tend to point outwards. (Yes, mother) I was focusing on keeping them straight, but eventually the pain moved to my knee. Bad news.
2) DO N
OT RUN WHEN YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD TIREDOn the days when I work so early and don't get out of class until 5, my motivation is at a level 3 out of 10. Especially if I didn't get enough sleep to begin with. Monday for me means: unsatisfying meals (unless it's at least warm or carb-packed, I don't feel like I've eaten anything), back-to-back classes (or, in-between classes, oodles of homework), two back-breaking walks up the big campus hill (yes, everything in my backpack is completely necessary), and ultimately, burning out. I know I don't have a 'hard-knock-life', but still, I can't help feeling so exhausted. If anyone has any ideas on how to combat this, PLEASE let me know. (NO to coffee/energy drinks; they make me jittery, sick and still unable to focus).
When I was running tonight, I kept yawning. This is proof that yawning does not indicate boredom: I was quite the opposite. I swear my legs were fighting me. They just didn't want to move today. So anyway, I kept yawning, which makes my eyes water, and there's nothing like obscured vision to make you feel nice and safe while you're limping away at 6 mph.
3) DO NOT FORGET YOUR WATER BOTTLEI know, "duh". Hydration is obviously necessary, they've been pushing that in gym class since kindergarten, but it's hard to think ahead to 5 o'clock when I'm also planning what to bring to work, for breakfast, for lunch, for classes. It's a miracle I remembered (or had room in my backpack) to bring clothes to run in. I'll never forget my water bottle again. Or at least I hope I don't. Here's why:
The Nat is
packed after 5 o'clock, so it's difficult to find a machine to use. On top of that, there are no "saves". If you get off to take a drink, someone else will have started their workout on it before you can say "oh crap". Of course, I was so thirsty I was contemplating stealing the water bottle of the girl running next to me. Like she wouldn't have noticed. That's when I decided I had had enough.
I was only at it tonight for about 20-25 minutes and I continued the 60secs of running/90 secs of walking which I was doing last week. My speed probably averaged 6.5 (but maybe that was a mirage?), which is an improvement on last time. I just didn't do it for as long.
I realize this probably isn't one of the most exciting blogs to read, but before I write any more of them, I want to make clear the purpose of this blog as a whole. Although I really love it that people read and encourage me (please don't stop!), this blog is really for me. I love writing, and I figure the more I write about my experiences, the more enthusiasm I will continue to have for running. So I might complain and whine and do away with any trace of wit every once in awhile, but that's because I want to write about it even when the last thing I want to do is write about it.