This morning I had to catch the ALWAYS ON TIME 6:12 bus. Despite a serious lack of sleep, I woke up on time and even sat down for a couple minutes to enjoy some yogurt. I left my apartment at 6:08 with plenty of time to walk the two blocks catch the ALWAYS ON TIME bus; I got there just in time to watch it drive away 3 minutes ahead of
It hadn't bothered me again all day, but once I started on the treadmill I had sharp pains in my ankle. When I got my shoes, I was told that I have to focus on keeping my feet straight when I run because they tend to point outwards. (Yes, mother) I was focusing on keeping them straight, but eventually the pain moved to my knee. Bad news.
2) DO N
On the days when I work so early and don't get out of class until 5, my motivation is at a level 3 out of 10. Especially if I didn't get enough sleep to begin with. Monday for me means: unsatisfying meals (unless it's at least warm or carb-packed, I don't feel like I've eaten anything), back-to-back classes (or, in-between classes, oodles of homework), two back-breaking walks up the big campus hill (yes, everything in my backpack is completely necessary), and ultimately, burning out. I know I don't have a 'hard-knock-life', but still, I can't help feeling so exhausted. If anyone has any ideas on how to combat this, PLEASE let me know. (NO to coffee/energy drinks; they make me jittery, sick and still unable to focus).
When I was running tonight, I kept yawning. This is proof that yawning does not indicate boredom: I was quite the opposite. I swear my legs were fighting me. They just didn't want to move today. So anyway, I kept yawning, which makes my eyes water, and there's nothing like obscured vision to make you feel nice and safe while you're limping away at 6 mph.
I know, "duh". Hydration is obviously necessary, they've been pushing that in gym class since kindergarten, but it's hard to think ahead to 5 o'clock when I'm also planning what to bring to work, for breakfast, for lunch, for classes. It's a miracle I remembered (or had room in my backpack) to bring clothes to run in. I'll never forget my water bottle again. Or at least I hope I don't. Here's why:
The Nat is packed after 5 o'clock, so it's difficult to find a machine to use. On top of that, there are no "saves". If you get off to take a drink, someone else will have started their workout on it before you can say "oh crap". Of course, I was so thirsty I was contemplating stealing the water bottle of the girl running next to me. Like she wouldn't have noticed. That's when I decided I had had enough.
I was only at it tonight for about 20-25 minutes and I continued the 60secs of running/90 secs of walking which I was doing last week. My speed probably averaged 6.5 (but maybe that was a mirage?), which is an improvement on last time. I just didn't do it for as long.
I realize this probably isn't one of the most exciting blogs to read, but before I write any more of them, I want to make clear the purpose of this blog as a whole. Although I really love it that people read and encourage me (please don't stop!), this blog is really for me. I love writing, and I figure the more I write about my experiences, the more enthusiasm I will continue to have for running. So I might complain and whine and do away with any trace of wit every once in awhile, but that's because I want to write about it even when the last thing I want to do is write about it.
I'll agree with #1 and #3, but as for #2 ... going for a run when I'm already dead tired is sometimes the one thing that can give me some energy.
Also, you aren't the only one who's had a bad running day recently. On Saturday your dad was running on the treadmill, and apparently the thing was inching away from the wall every time he came back down on the belt. He was oblivious to this until it eventually unplugged from the outlet and stopped abruptly, causing him to trip, and his face to smash into the control panel.
His next workout was better, and yours will be too!
Can we leave comments about the comments? That is too funny (only since he is okay)! Back to the blog... stick with it!! Both the blog and the running. My friend here began running by going to a group that teaches you how to run a 5k. She did the run walk stuff for a while and is now working on running a half-marathon on Dec. 13th. I love the blog and your enthusiasim!
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